Saturday, December 24, 2016

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Studying In The UK

1/ What is the necessary average to obtain in high school diploma to be able study in England?

Every university defines the average that you must have obtained in high school diploma. For example, if you wish to study in Cambridge or Oxford, it is necessary to have at least 16, even 17, of average in high school diploma. On the other hand, the university of Edinburgh, in Scotland, which also uses the portal UCAS to manage its applications, asks for a minimum of 14 of average with at least 12 in three different disciplines. And sometimes, according to the diploma which you will choose, it can be required that you obtained certain score in such or such discipline.

2/ I still haven't got my high school diploma yet, am I able to apply to a university in this case?

Naturally. The registration has to be made before January, 15th. As a rule, by that time, you still have no high school diploma yet. If a university accepts your registration, you will obtain then a conditional agreement, that is subdued on condition that you have your high school diploma with a certain score.

3/ How and when I should send to send my official documents such as diploma, student transcripts etc.?

All your official documents such as: your diplomas, student transcripts etc. are not systematically asked. If they are, the university will contact you to ask you to send it.

4/ When should I take the IELTS or the TOEFL tests?

You can take the TOEFL or te IELTS tests two years before applying to the university or two months after you have registered at a university. It is not necessary to have your score before registering your application on the UCAS portal, however, it will be necessary to supply it to the university as fast as possible.

5/ How can I register at a university if the date of January, 15th, passed?

If you missed the deadline to apply to a British university, you can try your luck until June, 30th. For that purpose, it is necessary to wait until the end of February (generally after 25th) because it is at this moment there, that universities indicate if there are places in some of their programs.

To know if it is still possible to apply for a program after February, 25th, make a search by specifying the discipline, and if you do not know the name of your discipline in English, try to find it by clicking the search by subject button. The type of diploma in course type, then choose degree if you want to apply for a Bachelor's degree program.

You will see a number of cources and programs. To be certain that the one which interests you is still open to applications, you have to verify, at first, that the name of the program is followed by X. If it is followed by C, then it is impossible to apply for the moment.

Then, contact the university to make sure that you can always apply, because it is possible that a program, even indicated as being still open, is already closed in reality. After June, 30th, there is an ultimate chance to join, thanks to the procedure of Clearing.


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