Sunday, November 20, 2016

How To Get A Residence From Work In New Zealand

In this article, I am going to take you to the south-west Pacific. Our destination is to the peacefull country known as, New Zealand. It is a small country consisting of two main islands and a number of smaller outlying islands so scattered, that they range from the tropical to the antarctic. The population is only 4.5 million people. The economy in New Zealand is based on: agriculture, horticulture, fishing, forestry and tourism. The country is considered one of the best countries in the world and it offers its citizens a prosperous life. In recent years, it has attracted many people from arround the world, who immigrate to the country and settled down. Below, I am going to tell you how you can get a residence in New Zealand based on work.

Work residence category:

This category addresses people having obtained a visa "Work to residence" under one of the following categories:

1- Length term skill shortage list - Work Category Visa: 

If you actually worked full-time (at least 30 hours per week) during 24 months, gained at least NZ45 000 a year in a job being in the list of the skills in demand and if you always have a salary at least equivalent, then you could apply for a resident visa. To know more about it, consult the conditions of eligibility and the procedure of application through the official website of New Zealand.

2- Talent (accredited employers): 

If you actually worked full-time (at least 30 hours per week) during 24 months for the employer, who allowed you to come in New Zealand (or another employer, having obtained a " variation of condition " on behalf of the New Zealand authorities), and from which you still gain at least NZ$ 45 000 a year, then you could apply for a resident visa. And to know more about it, consult the conditions of eligibility and the procedure of application through the official website of New Zealand.

3- Talent (art, sport, culture): 

If you stayed at least 24 months in New Zealand with this visa, if you always excel at your domain (art, culture, sport), if you benefited from no financial support of the New Zealand State and if you benefit from the support of an organization, which has a national reputation in New Zealand, you could apply for a resident visa. And to know more about it, consult the conditions of eligibility and the procedure of application through the official website of New Zealand.


These people so have an access to the residence in New Zealand without passing by the classic way of the SCM, because of their work experience acquired in New Zealand. And the cost of the visa is NZ1 550.


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