Sunday, December 4, 2016

How To Get An Employment Pass In Singapore?

The Employment Pass (EP) is the most common working visa in Singapore for French people. The conditions of obtaining it are rather simple, it is just necessary to possess what the government calls up "Acceptable qualifications" or a significant experience (in the case of the EP-Q1.) The government is allowed to refuse more or less easily the EP without valid reason, even if most of the time that goes easily.

Besides that, there are some financial criteria. It is necessary to have a monthly salary (without counting bonuses) upper to $3000 for an EP Q1, $4500 for an EP-P2 and more than $8000 for an EP-P1.

There is no big difference between P1 and P2, which allow to make Depending Passes (DP) for the married spouses and for the children less than 21 years old. You can even bring your parents, your parents-in-law, your children more than 21-years old. You can check the website of the Ministry of Man Power for a complete list  of Ministry of on a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP).

On the other hand for the EP-Q1, you can make only a Depending Pass (DP) and not a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), thus it is impossible to bring your mother-in-law to live with you. The Laws in Singapore are very strict.

You should know that if you lose your Employment Pass (EP), all people who depend on your EP (i.e., DP or LTVP) will lose their visa and everybody returns on a tourism visa.

You should rather find a work quickly otherwise that is going to be back to the start without getting $20,000. And here you will regret not having read your local contract of employment when your employer told you the virtues of the local contract, when he cancels your French contract.


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