In 2011 France and Argentina signed an agreement to enable 500 French citizens to a get a working holiday visa (WHV) to Argentina every year. The number of working holiday visas can be reviewed every year.
Elegibility contidions to get a WHV to Argentina?
+ You should be a French citizen.
+ Your age should be from 18 to 30 years old.
+ You should have a health care insurance covering the set of risks bound to diseases, maternity and to the hospitalization in Argentina.
+ You should not have applied for a working holidays visa to Argentina before.
+ You should not be accompanied with people, whom you will be responsible for.
+ You should prove that you have sufficient financial resources to support your needs during the beginning of your stay in Argentina (The required amount of money is fixed at 2500 euros.)
+ The working holiday visa is free of charge and is valid for one year as from the reception of your passport from the Embassy of Argentina. And duration of the stay is not prolongeable.
What Documents you need to supply to get a WHV to Argentina?
To make an application for a working holiday visa to Argentina, you will need to supply the following documents:
+ A valid French passport.
+ A passport photo.
+ A motivational letter.
+ A reservation of a round-trip ticket.
+ A bank statement stating a minimum evidence of 2500 euro.
+ A police record of less than three months, carrying the marginal note of the Court of Appeal of Rennes.
+ A medical certificate as evidence that you are in good health, legalized by the Medical association (180 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris 8° Phone: 01 53 89 32 00, of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and carrying the marginal note of the Court of Appeal.
+ A health care insurance covering the set of risks bound to disease, maternité-invalidity and to the hospitalization for a period of the stay as well as the repatriation on medical grounds.
All your documents that are not in Spanish language included: the bank statement, the medical certificate, the health care insurance and the extract of police record must be translated into Spanish language by a translator under oath or by a translator approved by the Embassy of Argentina in France.
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