Tuesday, December 20, 2016

How To Get A Japanese Working Holiday Visa?

Young French people who wish to travle to Japan to spend their holidays, can get a "Working Holiday Permit," for the duration of one year maximum, which will allow them to have the possibility of working to finance their stay.

The conditions to obtaine a working holiday visa: 

There are certain conditions to get a working holiday permit. These conditions are:

1- You should between 18 and 30 years old when you apply for the working holiday visa.

2- You intend to conform with conditions of the bilateral agreement.

3- You shouldn't have never benefited from the same visa before.

4- You should not be accompanied with a child.

5- You should be in good health and you need to provide a medical certificate giving evidence that you are in good health.

6- Being a French citizen, you cannot exercise activities considered as opposite to the objective of the agreement such working in: nightclubs, bars etc.

The procedure to obtain a working holiday visa:

Each year, Japan distributes 1500 working holiday visas. You, the applicant, should make the application for this type of visa in person at the nearest Japanese consulate from your home. Applications are made without having an appointment in advance, between 9:30 a.m. and 12 a.m.

You will be charged no fees to obtain a working holiday permit, as it is completly free. And, in case your application is accepted, waite for 3 to 5 days to obtain your working holiday visa.

The type of jobs you will find once in Japan:

To be able to find a job in Japan when you're on a working holiday visa, you need to have some knowledge of Japanese language. So before you travel to Japan, try to learn some Japanese, but, if you have money, you can travel to Japan and start learning Japanese at a school or institution during your first months of your working holiday visa. A good website that would help you find a job in Japan is: Gaijinpot.com 


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