Friday, December 16, 2016

How To Work In DisneyWorld While You Study In Florida?

If you wish to travel to the United States of America to study and work, then getting a "Graduate Certificate in Hospitality Management" is the key you will need. It is a study program of 6 months, specially designed for international students. It is proposed by Rosen College of Hospitality Management, connected with University of Central Florida, and coupled with an intensive paid internship experience with DisneyWorld.

Joining this program, will result in the obtaining of a certificate specialized in hotel management. It addresses graduates of management or hotel business, who have stuided for 3 years after having obtained their Baccalaureate or high school degree, and it represents a unique opportunity to study in Florida at a lower cost.

This program has two sessions a year, thus two chances to join every year. The first session starts from mid-January to mid-July, and the second session starts from mid-July to mid-January.

International students who want to apply to the program, must take a test of TOEFL and obtain a minimum score of 80 (in the internet test), a minimum score of 220 (in the computer test) and a minimum score of 550 (in the paper test).

The cost of the program is $3800, to which are added the travel expenses (plane tickets, visa fees…), the expenses of stay (accommodation, meals…), The rent, the internet connection, the telephone line and the transport from your rent place to the university, which are deducted from the compensation perceived during the internship.

The program is well organized so that you have only one day a week to take cources at the university, in addition to online cources to be taken by yourself. For the rest of the time, you go on an internship to DisneyWorld, which will occupy you from 30 to 37 hours a week. Thus, undertaking this program is not an easy task. The Positions occupied during the internship are the same as those attributed to the employees of the park (work in shop, restaurant etc.)


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