Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Are The Steps To Study In Quebec After High School

French citizens, who have got their high school diploma (Baccalaureate,) and wish to study in Canada, have to choose between two types of educational studies: the university studies or the technical studies.

A French student can join a Canadian university with his baccalaureate (called "high school diploma" in Quebec) or join a community college with he has diploma of technical studies, which is called "CÉGEP" in Quebec (COLLEGE OF GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION.) 

How To Get Access to a Canadian University:

Go to study in Canada after graduating from high school, is thus, possible for French students. However, contrary to France where a registration at the university is worth automatic acceptance, the access to bachelor studies in Canada is made on file. The quality of marks obtained at the high school, in particular those of final year of high school, are essential to hope to be accepted. The selection is sometimes so rough for certain sectors, that students with the average of 16 do not get a place.

Most of the time an average of 12/20 is sufficient. In the case of an application sent before having obtained results of the high school diploma examination, the university will ask, in most of the cases, for the school reports of three trimesters of the first year to handle the demand of registration.

The Canadian universities accept high school students' applications in sector(network) S, ES and L. Students in the technology sector can apply, but the acceptance of the file is treated individualy case by case. Generally, the vocational high school diploma is not sufficient to study in a Canadian university. And generally speaking, it is recommended to apply to several universities to increase your chances to be accepted.

How to get access to a university in Quebec:

In Quebec, the students from Quebec leave the high school earlier than the French students and the other Canadian students. So, before joining the university, they should have necessarily joined a community colleges, which delivers, after two years of additional studies, a Diplôme d’Etudes Collégiales (DEC) which allows to join the university.

There are two types of Diplôme d’Etudes Collégiales: those who allow the access to the university and those which, more technically, correspond rather to the BTS and the French DUT.

The French students graduated from high school with a high school diploma, do not need to have a Diplôme d’Etudes Collégiales to get access to the university to apply to an establishment in Quebec.

Study in English language in Canada:

To study in an English-speaking university in Canada, you will have to give evidence of your English level through satisfactory results in English tests such as: TOEFL or IELTS.

How to apply to a Canadian university:

Each university in Canada has its own procedures and requirements for application. However, in Alberta, in British Columbia and in Ontario, it is necessary to make an application for admission in a regional center. The regional centers centralize all the applications of a state.

The start of new term in Canada is generally in the begining of September, but it is also possible for certain programs to begin in January.

It is, thus, necessary to prepare yourself very early in the year if you wish to go to study in Canada after you graduate from high school and get your diploma. Universities fix the periods of applications which suit them. Thus, it is necessary to verify the dates on the website of every establishment and respect them.

How to choose a program of Study in Canada: 

To choose a program, you can check the website of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. This website has a database that allows you to look for a program in all the Canadian universities. Click here to go on the website of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.


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