Thursday, December 29, 2016

Types Of Visas To Enter Italy For Non Europeans!

If you are not a citizen of a member state of the European Union, you will need to obtain a visa to enter Italy. However, the citizens coming from a third world country, who already have a visa for a member state of the agreement Schengen do not need special entrance visa for Italy. A visa would indicate the reason and the duration of the stay in Italy. Visas are issued for very specific reasons, and there exist several types of visas, which are:

A- Tourist visa/Visto turistico:

This kind of visa is delivered for tourist reasons only and is valid for three months maximum.

B- Working visa/Visto per lavoro:

A working visa is granted for a period that is up to two years. To receive a working visa, you have to provide an evidence of employment including your name and signed by an Italian employer.

C- Student's visa/Visto per studio: 

This type of visa is issued for the exact duration of studies in Italy. If your studies  take more than one year, a visa of one year will be issued first time. After expiration, this visa will be extended. The student should prove that he attends an Italian school or university.

D- Visa for health reasons/Visto per cleans out sanitarie:

The period of validity of this type of visa depends on the duration during which you intend to stay in Italy to follow a treatment or a therapy. To apply a visa for health reasons, it is necessary to provide an evidence that you are following a treatment or a therapy in Italy. These proofs, supplied by the State or by the approved private institute, must be authenticated by the embassy of Italy in the country of origin.

E- Visa for visiting a relative/Visto per visits has familiari:

This visa is granted for a period up to three months, and it can be extended. The rule is that it is granted only for the members of family or first degree.

F- Visa for family reunion: 

If you are a foreigner and you have a job in Italy and a legal residence, that is a work permit and a residence permit, you can be joined by your family, spouse, minor children or your parents if these people are financially at your expense. To request this type of visa, you have to provide an evidence of employment of at least two years, a residence permit and to possess a job. It is also necessary to provide evidence of the relation existing between the applicant and you.


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