The nationals of countries off the European Union who wish to stay in Germany as non simple tourists, must obtain a residence permit. According to the German legislation, there are 04 tyes of residence permits, which are described below:
* Residence permit "Aufenthaltserlaubnis"
A residence permit or "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" is not bound,as a rule, to the fulfillment of a task. It grants you a right of general stay and can lead to a right of permanent stay. It is usually obtained in cases of family entry and settlement.
** Authorization of stay "Aufenthaltsbewilligung":
The authorization of stay is granted only for reasons which, due to their nature, concern only a determined period of time. The nationals of countries off the European Union who enter Germany, will have to fill in a formal application of authorization of stay at the service of foreigners of their future place of residence. The authorization of stay is issued for a maximum period of two years and can be renewed once, if the objective of the stay was not filled. This regulation,usually, concerns students, trainees and workers who have a contract of work.
*** Authorization of establishment "Aufenthaltsberechtigung":
The authorization of establishment is valid without any condition or restrictive regulations. The right of stay, which it grants is not time-limited or in a region. And there is no limitation or additional condition concerns it. However, in certain circumstances, it can be legally applied.
**** Authorization to remain "Aufenthaltsbefugnis":
An authorization to remain or as it is called in German "Aufenthaltsbefungnis," is granted to the migrants by virtue of the international law or for reasons of humanitarian order.
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