The modern economy of Norway depends widely on exports and is directed to the international. The main markets targeted by Norway are the other European countries, especially the other Scandinavian countries.
The industries of ship-building and hydro-electric power, the new branches of the technology of communication and software development are one of the pillars of the Norwegian economy. In addition to that, the plentiful natural resources such as oil, natural gas and the fishing industry are also very important factors, which contribute to the economic growth of Norway.
Compared to other countries, the rate of participation of the working population is extremely high in Norway. Indeed, Norway is a country that has the highest rate of participation of women in the world. Norwegians retire at the age of 67, and the unemployment rate is only about 4 %. Besides, the Norwegian government has an active policy for the employment, according to quality plans of qualifications and employment. Even the medium-term perspectives of Norway are rather good. However, as the country depends a great deal on the oil price, it is rather difficult to make long-term estimates.
There is a surprising labor shortage within certain fields of activity, such as in the medical sector (qualified nurses, doctors and dentists) or in tourism (cooks and waiters). In addition to this, craftsmen, architects, technicians and engineers are always wanted in the construction industries and in factories. The need for qualified workers in the field of drilling is only increasing.
Indeed, these industries are always in search of technicians, engineers with university education in drilling, welding, electronics etc. Geologists and geophysicists are also needed in Norway.
If you do not speak Norwegian, you should be able to manage if you master English, although it depends very much on the considered branch of industry. You should know that the cost of living is higher in Norway than in most of the other European countries. It is particularly noticeable in the prices of food and cosmetics.
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