The higher educational system in Finland is much closer to many of the Anglo-Saxon systems, as it adopted the LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorat) reform to facilitate the equivalences and the mobility of Finnish students within the European Union.
However, Finland keeps a rather particular university system, which can be seen in the type of programs, which are proposed by the educational establishments. There are 340 different curricula ranging from Bachelor to the Doctorate, and the majority of them are accessible in English, as the country having an excellent language ability.
The different diplomas delivered by Finnish universities:
Finnish universities follow the LMD system:
1- Bachelor's degree:
It is equivalent to " La License" in France. It represents 180 credits, 3 years of study, and it is the first diploma delivered at the university. It allows you to discover the bases of the subjects studied in first year, then to deepen during the next two years to obtain an intermediate level. It consists also of the study of foreign languages as well as a thesis in the last year.
2- Master's degree:
It represents 120 credits, 2 years of studies, and it is accessible to students having obtained their Bachelor's degree. There exist more than 200 accessible programs of Master's degree in English. The students, however, have to join a program in connection with their preliminary programs of study. They will resume the activities of the Bachelor's Degree more deeply, and in the last year, they should prepare a thesis.
3- Doctor's degree programs:
Doctor programs are accessible only at the university, and these programs are the equivalent of the "doctorate" in France. However, this type of program is prepared in a period of 4 years in Finland, and represents 240 credits ECTS contrary to 3 years of necessary studies in France.
The research and the preparation of a high-level thesis are the main activities of the Doctor's program. There are two types of accessible programs,and it is advised that you contact directly the university of your choice to know more about the possibilities offered by this type of programs.
A good thing here is that when it comes to financing Doctor's programs, the set of scholarships in Finland is accessible at this level for the European students.
At the end, the set of diplomas described above corresponds to the accessible programs in Finnish universities, however, it is possible to apply to a polytechnics institute, which proposes trainings and different diplomas, more focused on the professionalization and specialization.
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